Growing Malabar Spinach

Growing Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach is a vegetable that we grew for the first time last year, in 2021. At first, we did not know what to expect. Much to our surprise, we actually liked this new vegetable. Although it is called Spinach, it tastes nothing like what most of us know as spinach. The unique difference is not just in how it tastes, but also in how it grows. Malabar spinach grows more like a vine. If you are not careful, it will literally take over your garden. It is a beautiful plant, but it is somewhat invasive.

Something else to know about Malabar Spinach is that it tastes great when prepared as fritters. You put your favorite seasonings together with an egg and flour batter and voila, you have goodness on a fork. If you don’t eat eggs, then you can use an egg substitute to make your batter hold together. If this is something you are interested in growing, you may look up other recipes to test out Malabar Spinach in your garden.

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